Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where I'm at right now.

I guess at this stage of my journey I should sort of state where I am at with my weight and my self and where I would like to be. I am aiming to be really open and honest with this blog, so here it goes.

I am going to regularly log my weight and measurements as well as exercise and as many details about my diet and nutritional learnings as possible.

Weight: 89.7kg
BMI: 27.3 (so I am just in side the "overweight" category - 25-29)
Bust Measurement: 102cm
Waist Measurement: 87cm
Hip Measurement: 117cm
Upper Arm: 33cm
Upper Thigh: 68cm

Mood: Is easy aggravated or upset, quick to get frustrated, take this very personally. So basically very emotional and over irrational. With a lot of regret shortly after.

And now for my first goal:

18th October 2010: Not expecting a lot of weight loss but at this point I leave for Bali and I also start my Nutritional Medicine course (very exciting!!) so I want to be ready mentally to make dramatic change in my lifestyle - all of which I hope to share here.

What I am going to do: Begin my new exercise regime, closely examine my diet and identify areas of improvement. 3 alcohol free days per week. And to work on letting go of things that are beyond my control through regular meditation - Bali will be perfect for this! Could the timing be any better?

 Wish me luck!


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