A whole new career.
I am a Graphic Designer. I kind of fell into this career. I never imagined that I would be doing this and as result I have felt that for the last 6 years I was just being swept through life by a fast current - with no control over anything.
In the last few months I have come to the conclusion that maybe this isn't the right path for me. Sitting in front of a computer from 8-9 hours everyday leaves me feeling restless, frustrated and anxious.
I have always had a love/hate relationship with food. I have always been "plump" and predisposed to being overweight. In the last couple of years I was diagnosed with the initial signs of Hashimoto's disorder - or under active thyroidism. I have been taking Thyroxin to supplement and support but I know that there has to be a more wholistic way to give it a helping hand.
My mother also has Hashimoto's but since having breast cancer in 1999 it completely destroyed itself and now she doesn't have a functioning thyroid at all. She is an inspiration and has more energy than anyone I know! So I know that I can also overcome this problem and hopefully have a happy, healthy thyroid for the rest of my life.
Another element that has sparked this life change is that when I reflect back on my week at work, what have I achieved during the week? I've got artwork for beer cartons in on deadline... I've made a few posters.... I often wonder how will I feel when I look back on my life... who have I helped? What have I done to make a difference.
Now, I'm not wanting or meaning to bag out the design industry here. It can be an amazing career full of inspiration and happiness. I have simply had a serious heart to heart with myself over the last few months and decided its simply not satisfying for me.
So I have made the leap and enrolled in an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine. I start doing the course via Distance Learning on October 18. And in this blog I hope to use myself as a bit of a test subject to effectively learn about nutrition and change my life. So I hope anyone that reads this finds some help or healthy inspiration.
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